Ham Page
13May Sun NiteLite.info   Webpage
03Jul Mon: PBS How Art Made the World
Ancient-Rock-Art is from Shaman Hallucinations...
30Mar Thu: Locate BC Radio Station Signal-Strength by Zip
28Mar Tue: try to watch PBS Nova Robot-Race
23Mar Thu: LookUp FCC Broadcaster info:   SW     AM+FM+TV
22Mar Wed: BroadBand Internet over PowerLines is HAM RFI.
21Mar Tue: Learn more about Clovis.
19Mar Sun: a Women-Career-Lawyer article in NYTimes, for Lee.
(saved this copy, since such things tend to wander)
18Mar Sat: Who does this photograph remind you of?
09Mar Thu: Just checked the MoonShineCalendar, darkest later in the TSP-week.
07Mar Tue: Socorro article about Telegraphy
07Mar Tue: These seem to be your style: key & padL
02Mar Thu: General Q&A book arrived!   ·   Did you get the CD-Hnbk yet?   [ACK]
02Mar Thu: What is our Astronomy Agenda for TSP ?
28Feb Tue: We need This Radio for StarParties.
28Feb Tue: Hmmm... found this: MFJ-971       Review
27Feb Mon: rec'd ARRL Hnbk&Ant... Gen-QA sent seperately(?)
26Feb Sun: got Shelf/PigeonHole built for worktable,
will use for taxes, then Radio-Kit assembly   ;)
24Feb Sat: PBS Remembered Earth, about High Desert - New Mexico
21Feb Tue: 5mx: PsiMorse   ·   Morse OPL Program
21Feb Tue: rec'd books: WorkShop&Genius... not as exciting as I'd hoped.
20Feb Mon: You're supposed to correct me, when I get your CALL wrong!
19Feb Sun: HowTo (.pdf) articles: CW Sending · Manhattan / Adv
Manhattan: (Aggie Engr) Construction Techniques
18Feb Sat: added more to the Three-Letter-Word practice QSO
15Feb Wed: TenTec pkg received at 6:12pm via UPS
15Feb Wed: Received TPWD eMail, confirming Camp Resv.
14Feb Tue: Went to my favorite (cheap) Tool-Store: SolarCharger
I'll use it to pwr my rig during our observing sessions. See: A B C
14Feb Tue: Got a jar of Postum and trying to decide if I (still) like it.
Haven't drank it since JrHi days, when visiting Grandma.
14Feb Tue: You pick/bring the Select Coffee …   I will supply the agua filtrar.
13Feb Mon: 2pm - received eMail that TenTec kit is ready for UPS to ship.
13Feb Mon: I KNOW you can find a use for these.
13Feb Mon: ordered some Elec-Books, links at bottom of HamPage.
13Feb Mon: found instructions for a LED Lite
12Feb Sun: I sent in the deposit to TPWD for campsite. We can add you upon arrival.
I was not going to confuse the Resv.Folks in Austin.
11Feb Sat: Updated a general TSP Page. It has various links for stuff around FtDavis.
05Feb Sun: Mailed order to TenTec for QRP 40m Kit.
