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| the Davis-Besse
nuclear plant that is just a few miles down the shore from
Camp Perry
| a mouse that escaped from Davis-Besse
| there is a small "guard tower" to the lower-left of the water-tower.
It is a Look-Out over the lake with radar, to watch for any
water-craft that get within the likely bullet-range...
| looking down-range (that's Davis-Besse cooling-tower in the center
of the horizon)
| down-range... there are some targets out there somewhere,
maybe the curve-of-the-earth is in the way...
| one of the covered-shooting areas. NOTE: "garage doors"
open on each-side as needed for access or weather.
| one of these guys commented on using the "stinky lube"
| first group of M9 "Conventional Pistol Wannabees"
| second group of M9 "Conventional Pistol Wannabees"