Benjamin Fulford:  

Source   Posted: 2019.06.13

Speak to the people

By Benjamin Fulford - Letters to the Editor 3 Comments

Benjamin: First, I wish to say thank you for your courage and dedication to getting truth out to the world. In this quote from one of your weekly reports, a major question comes to mind:

"According to senior Pentagon and Asian Secret Society sources, a decision to establish a de facto World government is also being negotiated at the highest levels. This would not be the Khazarian plan for a totalitarian New World Order controlled by Khazarian gangsters. Instead, it would involve democratically revamping the existing international architecture so that real-world peace and prosperity would be possible for the first time in human history."

My question comes from what seems to be a contradiction, and also from the stated goal of "democratically revamping the existing international architecture."

1. The contradiction is suggested by the idea that anything negotiated "at the highest levels" to establish a de facto World government cannot possibly be democratic. Who makes up the "highest levels" that would be even partially inclined to choose a democratic process that gives power to the masses? And, any World government created by people who have risen to the highest levels in the current world driven by competitive beliefs and win/lose psychology can only be a continuation of the up/down mentality that creates and sustains "highest levels" that by definition cannot relinquish their power and design themselves out of their power positions.

BF: That is a good point. The thing is, though, I have to deal with the real world and the existing power structures, because pragmatically it appears to be the only way to make things happen. However, the analysis by the Swiss group showed that the top of the power structure consists of 700 people, and that means we outnumber them by 10 million to one. Pressure from the bottom has forced these people to the negotiating table. Many of the worst top power holders have also now been eliminated, so the remainder now "see the light."

2. "Democratically revamping the existing international architecture" presents a daunting challenge: how to democratically do anything of such magnitude? The "demos" 'the people' are to be allowed/trained to vote on all elements of the new architecture? Where on earth is there one working example of democracy? There is none, and yet you envision a global democracy that can decide/vote on what institutions they want to replace an architecture they do not understand with new institutions that are strange to them and beyond the comprehension of a majority of humanity?

BF: What we are witnessing is real-time, live democracy in the form of the Internet. The battle is to keep that forum open and free. Ultimately, I support the idea of a meritocracy. This would be something like a Eurovision song contest where anybody can try to get to the top and everybody can see who got there and why.

Personally, I admire your idealism. In this case, however, I long to read your down-to-earth, nuts-and-bolts recommendations on how the above dream can be accomplished.

My view is that only a grassroots movement that is the opposite of anything the "highest levels" can possibly conceive or implement to a humanity exhausted by such elitist “solutions” can bring about real change. I hope your writing and interviews begin to reveal you are willing to talk to the man in the street and the mother in the kitchen so they understand what they can do with their neighbors and their community to create their own new world.

Looking to any more "solutions" to be handed down to them by the powerful just continues their sheep mindset and hastens the day when their only course is open revolt.

BF: Believe me, I started this process by talking to "the masses," and I came to the conclusion the masses are good at expressing discontent when they can feel things are wrong. However, when it comes to solutions, it is easier to criticize someone for spilling a glass of milk than it is to put the milk back in the glass. Hopefully, meritocracy will allow for the selection of widely accepted and respected people who have solutions.

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Christen #421923

I am deeply grateful to the author for writing these concerns to Benjamin and to Benjamin for both posting them AND for his succinct and direct responses. I share these concerns!

The lion's share of humanity may outnumber elites 10 million to 1, but they, WE, are suffering under every conceivable form of material deprivation and persistent insecurity imaginable. We live in a climate of lies, misdirections and manipulations (to say nothing of the pollution). We have no trust that the fairness that must be the foundation for the meritocracy of which you speak, even exists in humanity!

The ignorant masses might be a whole lot smarter (or maybe not even exist anymore) 10 years down an honest road in a truthful climate, with access to the resources that support their well-being, like food, shelter, medical care and freedom from threats to their person and loved ones, A believable peace, A sense of fair play, fair access to opportunity and resources,

I want you to be successful convincing the power brokers that "have seen the light" to tear off the bandaid, tell the truth, and let us all heal. Humans are smart, resilient, kind and ADAPTABLE. We will learn and grow. But that's always been the real problem, hasn't it?

If we learn, grow and adapt, we won't be controllable for the puppet masters any more.

I'm open to the idea AND (mostly) tuned up for the revelations that are coming, and I doubt I would completely trust anyone who told me all the puppet masters were dead and that their decendents have had a change of heart.

If I can help in any way, please don't hesitate to reach out, Benjamin. I am very grateful for your voice and how you use it.

2019-06-15 4:01 AM


David Webster #421927

Well put Benjamin thanks very much. All valid viewpoints but not exactly accurate with the scheme of how the world works. Thinking of the future and planetary trade throughout the Galaxy, we sorely need a government that represents all of humanity not just the handful that Benjamin has skillfully brought up.

Grassroots are often and in most cases controlled by these Zionist via Democratic left party pretending to be good guys. At least in my country the United States. Our real name is the United States Republic of America.

One day soon our flag will change from the current wartime flag to the peaceful one where the blue is replaced with White. I am 64 years old and was spiritually awakened March 20th 2016. I am excited being part of the global awakening of who and what we all are.

We are all spiritual beings having a human experience. We chose this life while the 700 Benjamin speaks of chose to be the bad guys. What do I mean? We all agreed to be here at this time to experience for God this moment in time.

For the first time in the history of all the different universes and multiverses God and his hierarchy are pulling off a magnificent feat! Ascend Gaia (Earth) The Sun (Amen Ra) and humanity all at one time. It will be glorious for those who are ready. All of the millions perhaps billions of light workers like myself are delighted.

We look forward to our mission of helping mankind to understand the Galactic Shift of the Ages. It happens every 60480 years. Anyone not ready for this event, well no fear. You will be transported to another earth like planet to do this all over again.

No one dies, all souls/spirits are immortal, only the vessel/container/body dies. Ancient peoples called it a container later a vessel. All facts if you research the ancient text like I have for the past 5 years and before that researched UFO related material.

As it turns out UFO, Religion, Politics, Governments, economy, world military are all tied together into one thread or knot of control. Religion was to fool everyone into thinking the only way to God is through a Church and special people only could guide you.

This was a falsehood. Our bodies are divine temples that are connected to source (God) always never breaking. Though most of humanity is separated from our creator. We have been lied to and mislead of course.

Thanks again Benjamin, as of late you sew up the loose ends on things I have researched. Plus fill me in on the world affairs as they "really" happen no more fake news misleading us to the wrong conclusions.

2019-06-15 10:59 AM
  NOTE: see source (above) for photos and links in this letter.

Relationship between Dutch royals, Nazis, Bilderbergers, and the EU

By Benjamin Fulford - Letters to the Editor 2 Comments

Dear Benjamin,

If these Dutch passports were found near Asian dead bodies, it can only mean one thing -- that the Dutch Cabal government, through its Embassy in Kiev, has cooperated on this along with the Kiev Nazi whit Victoria Newland, CIA war moron. This fits together with the intelligence that the coup in Ukraine was committed by the Deep State and the EU to give the globalists a chance to start a war against Russia. Such a war would conceal the bankruptcy of the fiat money system and create many victims.

Our deceitful politics are 100% involved in this in order to defend the interests (Shell) of a fake king. This man is not a legitimate heir of the bloodline, but a fraud.

The DNA of his niece, the daughter of the sister of Beatrix, Margarita De Roy van Zuydewijn, has been tested in the Ukraine to see if it matches the Romanov bloodline. This test indicates that this is not the case.

The UN whistleblower Frans Timmermans had given insider information, and in addition to his function as Minister of Foreign Affairs, has written a book about it. When people started reading it, they realized he could never have done this in such a short time with his function, which is why the book was taken off the market. For this, he became the second man in the EU, directly under the alcoholic Jean-Claude Juncker.

The royal family and the EU are die-hard Nazis who are involved in drug production in Afghanistan. The Dutch Bilderberg Cabinet had previously concluded the Kunduz agreement. The drug production is distributed by military flights via the Dutch islands in the Caribbean. Banks have laundered this money for the fake king and his Mafia government in The Hague.

In the Netherlands, hospitals such as the Slotervaart Hospital have gone bankrupt producing heroin for this crime group.

Politicians Edith Schippers, Minister of Health, and her husband were on the Board.

Our entire political structure is so corrupt that they are even given housing for their services, which ruins us as a population.

Pedophilia investigations are deliberately obstructed to protect the Cabal fake royal family; see the case of Joris Demmink.

The murder of Marianne Vaatstra was ordered by fake Queen Beatrix von Amsberg from the Korlaar brothers, for which € 500.000 was paid.

If you want an idea of what the Dutch Cabal looks like, here's a photo:

Now the awareness around the world is going to bring about big changes which will disable the whole Cabal.

We can wait for the derivatives bomb to burst, and for the entire fiat debt system to be replaced by a gold-backed value unit.

We are waiting for the derivatives bomb to destroy all the central banks this summer, thereby freeing mankind from the Cabal.

The IMF now admits the downfall.

If the new money system is to be controlled by the QFS to guarantee the gold-backed value of money, it will be the liberation of mankind.

We have almost finished the ride. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) will take over the central bank system after the crash. This will ensure that we are rid of the satanists of the Cabal.

The possibilities of a QFS are at a level that our data system can be compared to the Stone Age. The new Quantum Financial System works with subatomic particles which can even read the personal force field of each person and recognize their intentions.

No wonder politics can't be a part of this. All their intransigence to keep us in their power will fail. Even the EU has been sidelined immediately.

The manipulation by the banks and exchanges will no longer be able to function and can be switched off within a fraction of a second.

Forget the misery that Cabal member Prime Minister Mark Rutte has in store for us. It's not going to happen, if you pay close attention to what the QFS can do.

The old system is destroying itself. The fall of Deutsche Bank will be the redemption for us, where the whole old money system will be gone forever.

If all the sovereign 209 countries participate in GESARA, it means that the corrupt EU does not get any money, because the EU is not a country, but a continent founded by the Nazis.

Dr. Rath’s Lecture on Cancer and the Cause, uncovering the EU.

The approximately 100,000 sealed indictments from the Trump administration will arrest the guilty parties and bring them to justice. They will never get away with it, because the population could also be left to pick up and kill this Cabal itself.

Due to the actions of Prince Bernhard von Lippe, nobody signed the capitulation of Germany (the Hitler Cabinet) on behalf of the Dutch Head of State or Government, and nobody attended the signing by the unauthorized German General Johannes Blaskowitz and the Canadian General Charles Foulkes.

In constitutional terms, this means that the Netherlands has been a full member of Germany since 5 May 1945. Since no signatures have been made, this means that the Netherlands no longer exists constitutionally as of 18 May 1940, and after the occupation of the Hitler Cabinet on the former territory of the Netherlands continued after 5 May 1945.

That is why in the Netherlands since then, the prime minister, the ministers, the state secretaries and commissioners of the king or queen, and the mayors have not been elected, but have been sworn in or appointed by the Head of State.

That is why there is no Constitutional Court in the Netherlands, due to the lack of legitimate legislation and the lack of democracy in the Netherlands.

The book also mentions the Dutch submarine K XVII which would have been blown up by Creighton on 7 December 1941. In a conversation with Ian Fleming, in Chapter 9 memories of the submarine are retrieved and in an appendix, a letter refers back to the incident.

The decision to destroy the Dutch submarine was made when it discovered the Japanese fleet on its way to Pearl Harbor on November 28, 1941. The Dutch commander, Itz.1 H.C. Besançon, immediately sent an encrypted message to the British Navy leadership. This message was intercepted by the cryptographs of Section M that passed it on to General Donovan in Washington, D.C. and Major Desmond Morton of the American and British secret services. Both informed their leaders, President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill. These five people were aware of the imminent Japanese attack, which had to be kept strictly secret.

At that time, 80 percent of the American population were isolationist and strongly opposed to a war with Japan or Germany. Roosevelt wanted a war with Japan, but could not declare war without a valid reason. The surprise attack on the battleships in Pearl Harbor would give him that reason.

Queen Wilhelmina, as successor to Adolf Hitler, appointed the first post-war cabinet, the Schermerhom-Drees cabinet, consisting of ministers of the SDAP (in 1946 merged with the VDB and CDU in the PVDA), the CHU’er Lieftink (later PVDA), and RKSP (better KVP), as well as five non-party ministers, two of whom later became PVDA members.

Under her leadership, the Hitler Cabinet was thus continued as an illegal head of state. This successor Hitler-Kabinet was a fake “Royal” cabinet and is also called the “Emergency Cabinet.”

Editor’s note : This letter was originally posted as an attachment to the Weekly Report of June 3, 2019. It has been re-rendered here as a Letter to the Editor, with some polishing.

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nuksa #421903

Sorry, but this sounds very bad

"The new Quantum Financial System works with subatomic particles which can even read the personal force field of each person and recognize their intentions."

Does this means a full control of humanity for someone? Total slavement. You can't sell or buy if you don't have same opinions than a king?

1-1 2019-06-14 2:26 PM


David Webster #421926

Sorry nuksa, but you are missing the entire point of this new financial system. It will prevent anyone stealing any funds whatsoever making all the world affairs honest above the board with clear integrity. QFS will log all information pertaining to each person it can. This will be used to track down quickly anyone trying to break in etc.

At no time does this system intrude on our privacy and has no ability to do so. You are mistaken on what you are seeing in the video. Fear of piracy infringement caused you to react in a way that is not compatible with the worlds need to be peaceful and harmonious!

It will be able to handle all transactions of the entire world and predict trends to allow people to invest safely and accurately. No more insider trading will occur and all the scoundrels out there who have ruled the planet (Zionist Nazi). What other possible fix could you possibly replace this with good sir?

It is best instead of simply reacting to news or what someone says. Take a few moments to reflect on the information and then react accordingly. You miss the GESRA news, this would give cash to everyone on the planet. A jubilee of sorts is what we all want, they have 500 quad trillion dollars, the bankers are they.

The Zionist have controlled this planet for thousands of years under a false God no less. The step brother of this false God EA ENKI created all of mankind. The prime creator God (source) had a plan to replace the Zionist and that is underway right now with the help of the QFS I might add.

Another fine report not done by you Benjamin but glad you allowed it to be posted. Thank you sir!

2019-06-15 10:31 AM
